At Sericum-Grafiser we have been dedicated to large-format screen printing foroutdoor advertising for 54 years. Many years ago, the evolution of the marketand technology led us to invest in new printing systems such as UVI Offset orLarge Format Digital Printing. We currently offer a comprehensive customerservice covering a large part of their graphic needs, perfectly combining thesedifferent printing systems. We are specialists in POS, corporeal, displays,product containers, window stickers, floor stickers, box pallets, aerials,refrigerators, cold cabinets, general signage, billboards, canopies, telephonebooths, advertising stickers, vehicle integrals, etc.
With theaim of automating processes and being more agile in production deadlines, wehave acquired a Lamina System machine for the automatic placement ofdouble-sided tape and hot glue. Most displays and POPs need to be deliveredsemi-assembled and ready to be quickly placed at the point of sale, and to doso it is necessary to apply double-sided adhesive tape or glue flaps, a processthat was done manually and took a lot of time. Now, with the LaminaSystem machine, the reduction in handling time is approximately 70%, thecompletion is precise and allows us to meet delivery deadlines, always verytight, with ease.
On the photo left to right: Ramón Sayans (CEO) and Victor Arocena (production).

The Lamina Gluer is a manual fed in-line folding, gluing and taping machine. By the genius construction it is able to handle various sizes of different materials.The tool free set-up allows a quick change over even for short runs. Options for the machine include cold glue, back support unit, tape applicator etc.
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