Primera Linea Visual – PLV – is a leading producer of POS displays in Spain, established more than 16 years ago. It is based in a 7,000 sqm facility in Pinto, Madrid.
“We have been working with Lamina System for years,” comments, Camilo Alhambra CEO of PLV. “In fact, in 2019 we installed a 1620 Blackline automatic litho-laminator. Fortunately, the number of customers and production volume are both growing, so we decided to invest in a new machine with more capacity, speed and more features. Earlier this year, we opted for the Lamina 1622 Blackline high pile litho-laminator, which allows us to continue to be a leader in terms of quality and service in the supply of litho laminated packaging. ”
“The machine was successfully installed last July and is currently meeting all our expectations,” adds Juan Poblete, Business Development Director of PLV.
Caption: Juan Poblete, Business Development Director of PLV.

The Lamina FA Blackline is a highly accurate, high speed sheet-to-sheet fully automatic laminating/mounting machine. The machine can handle most of the existing materials in the market.
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