Lamina Folder Gluer install at Challenge Packaging
Challenge Packaging,just outside Eastbourne, UK has just had a crash-lock gluer installed fromLamina System, Sweden. Thecompact 14.10 gluer is a fully automatic folder gluer that is equipped with a non-stopsuction belt feeder and a variety of guides and belts to handle standardone-point boxes or three-point crash-lock boxes. The simple batch separationsystem prior to banding makes it very operator friendly. The machine hasbeen placed on rails meaning sections can be easily rolled apart to give fullaccess during set ups. This Lamina gluer will compliment other existing boxgluers at Challenge enabling some flexibility and increased production which ismuch needed due to a huge increase in orders. In addition, Lamina has retrofitted a feeder and bobbins to a Lamina taping machine that was installed 18months ago. This will help with the growing need for more e-commerce packaging.
Neil Thayer ofFinishline Machinery, the UK & Ireland Sales Agent for Lamina Systemreports that sales during COVID-19 have been steady with many more machines onorder.
Från vänster på bilden :Martin Coppard, Mirza Kadric, Neil Thayer Lamina Sales Agent UK & Ireland.

The Lamina Gluer is a manual fed in-line folding, gluing and taping machine. By the genius construction it is able to handle various sizes of different materials.The tool free set-up allows a quick change over even for short runs. Options for the machine include cold glue, back support unit, tape applicator etc.
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