Located in Sainte-Marie, Québec, Canada, Groupe Aptas is a non-profitenterprise. More than 60% of its team are people with functional disabilities. Within Groupe Aptas is Cartonek, a division that specialises in theproduction of regular and die cut corrugated boxes. In January 2021, Cartonekinstalled a Lamina 2200 Gluer to be able to respond even faster to customersneeds.Given the current situation related to COVID-19, the installation andtraining was done remotely by the Lamina team in Sweden.“Everyone was available and really helpful to allow us to be operationalwith the Lamina Gluer,” said Lionel Bisson, General Manager at Groupe Aptas Inc. “We would like to thank the Lamina team fortheir support.”
Caption Left to right: Karine Gravel, Operations Manager and Lionel Bisson,General Manager.

The Lamina Gluer is a manual fed in-line folding, gluing and taping machine. By the genius construction it is able to handle various sizes of different materials.The tool free set-up allows a quick change over even for short runs. Options for the machine include cold glue, back support unit, tape applicator etc.
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